Benefits of Testosterone Replacement (TRT)

We typically don’t pay much attention to the effects of testosterone on our bodies… That is, until it’s gone or depleted. Which does happen, no matter what. You could have the best nutritionist and diet, or even the best exercise regimen and personal trainer, but you can’t defeat father time. Sure, there are natural ways to help increase testosterone levels, but the verdict still remains out on how much of an impact you can make with this method. Als, you need a complete picture to help analyze your body’s relationship with testosterone. Do you make enough of your own? Is most of your bound up? Is your estrogen too high? Are there other hormone issues? All of these are important questions to help evaluate your unique situation, and come up with a treatment plan that meets your needs.

But, I wanted to make a quick blog just to highlight some of the benefits if optimizing your testosterone levels. So, here are just a few of the things you can expect by optimizing your testosterone levels. Keep in mind that testosterone replacement and hormone optimization is not a sprint, but rather a marathon. It’s not an overnight magic bullet. It’s going to take some time. But, on to the good stuff, the benefits:

  • Your energy levels will improve. Depending on your current situation, this may be a big change, or it may be a small one. Usually around the 1 month mark.

  • Your focus and overall mental status will improve. This typically occurs rather quickly, and mental fog can dissipate significantly once testosterone levels are optimized.

  • Increased libido and improvements in sexual health. This one is pretty self-explanatoy. Typically in the first month or two.

  • Increased red blood cell production. This can help with feelings of fatigue and get more oxygen into cells. Typically maximizes around 9-12 months. That being said, RBC’s need to be monitor to make sure they do not get too high.

  • Helps stabilize blood sugar levels. This typically occurs anywhere from 3 months - a year. Again, you diet will effect this more than anything, but TRT at appropriate levels helps.

  • Helps to decrease inflammation. Better recovery from injuries, viruses, toxins, and any other inflammatory triggers within the body. This typically occurs in 1-3 months.

  • Helps build lean muscle mass. Again, self-explanatory. And no, testosterone and steroids are not the same thing!! Usually occurs in 6-12 month range, but can start sooner and also last significantly longer.

  • Decrease in bone loss and improvement in joint pain and stiffness. This can last several years after initiation of treatment.

  • You’ll burn fat faster. Typically starts around the 3 month mark and can continue to help metabolism for several years.

This is not an all inclusive list, but I just wanted to share a few of the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy. Or at least, some common benefits that I discuss with patients. As always, do your own research and if you have any of the symptoms of low T or other hormone deficiency, schedule an appointment to see where your levels are, and see if you may benefit from testosterone replacement.


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