Is It Low T?

Men hear about it all the time……… Low testosterone. Whether you’re someone who frequents the gym or not, work an office job or construction, are young or old, chances are you’ve heard the term “low T” before. Many men have even considered that they may possibly have low testosterone. Unfortunately, many men either don’t take the necessary steps to figure out their levels, or they are told their levels are “normal”, even with a multitude of symptoms (decreased sex drive, tired all the time, decreased muscle mass and weight gain, erectile problems, and the list goes on…).

So what are “normal” testosterone levels? A recent study showed the following:

Age-specific middle tertile levels were 409-558 ng/dL (20-24 years old), 413-575 ng/dL (25-29 years old), 359-498 ng/dL (30-34 years old), 352-478 ng/dL (35-39 years old), and 350-473 ng/dL (40-44 years old).

It is also widely accepted that testosterone levels drop by 1% per year. Even with the numbers listed above, I can tell you through years of being in the healthcare field and checking these levels on men, at least 50-60% of men are not at the above levels. Even if you were within the ranges above, you may still not be an optimal level.

Do you know where your levels are? How do you feel? Do you have any symptoms of low testosterone? Curios about testosterone replacement therapy?

Schedule a consult or give us a call today to see where your levels are and if your symptoms could be related to low testosterone levels.


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